Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
“75% of people never click past page one of a search engine, so you want to get your rank right.”
Want to improve your search ranking?
At McKenzie Partners, it’s our mission to keep our clients’ websites ranking in search engine results and sitting above their competitors.
A smart SEO strategy aims to improve your organic rank. It’s an excellent complement to paid search advertising, which also gives you presence in results.
SEO is a medium to longer term strategy that may not have an immediate impact. However, it’s an important way to capture customers. Many people prefer to click on organic listings as they tend to trust them more than paid ads.
Investing in SEO will also pay off in the longer term. If you have a strong organic presence, you won’t be at the mercy of competitors with large paid search budgets.
We work with our clients on several different strategies to ensure your SEO campaign is successful. This includes on-site optimisations, off-site marketing methods and strategic content writing. Everything from the metadata on your site, the URL names, the images and the site speed can impact your organic ranking. Our team are experts at identifying areas of opportunity.
McKenzie Partners offers no obligation, free SEO website audits to all potential customers.
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- $999
- Basic Plan
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- $1320
- Standard Plan
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- $1750
- Premium Plan
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- $2945
- Deluxe Plan
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